🔥 Exciting news: You can now add teammates in Hoop. And you can manage team subscriptions in one spot.
Woohoo! All of your teammates can now get the benefits of automatic task capture across email, Slack and meetings in Hoop. This is the first step in our vision of making collaboration faster, easier and more automated thanks to AI. Here’s what you can do as of today:
- Delegate or reassign tasks to teammates in Hoop
- Add and remove team members in one place
- Centralize billing to one team subscription managed by an admin
- Make it easy for teammates from the same domain to join your team automatically
These are just the basics, and we’re excited to hear exactly what you think we should be building to organize your work.Â
Benefits: Task Transparency and Delegation
The current major benefit of creating a team (outside of simplifying billing) is task delegation and reassignment. When I’m in a meeting with my teammates, I can see not only my own tasks, but tasks that were assigned to teammates. I can also see when they’ve been marked as completed by navigating back to that meetings
I can also delegate tasks by going to the task, clicking on it, and then reassigning the task to someone else on my team from the task detail sidebar. Read more about team benefits here.
Get started: Create a team
Click on your avatar at the top right to open your account settings. Once you have an individual subscription, you can click on “Add Team Members” under “Subscriptions.”

After you’ve chosen a name, you can add team members from a dropdown list. This list will be full of folks from your Slack instance and people at your company that you've had meetings with. Simply toggle who’d you like to add to your team, and they’ll get an invite to join you in Hoop if they don’t already have a Hoop account.
To make life even easier, you can set it so that anyone from your company who signs up for Hoop will be automatically added to your team.

Bam! That’s it. Your team is now created.Â

To get a list of active subscriptions on your team, you can come back to this menu at any time. Here’s what that looks like:

And you can manage your team anytime by going into your account settings and clicking on, you guessed it, “Manage Team.”

We want to hear from you on what features you’d like to see next to make team collaboration easier and more useful in Hoop. Please drop us a note in Slack, email us at founders@hoop.app or send a carrier pigeon (not really!). Thank you!