We’re thrilled to announce that you can now connect multiple email addresses, calendars, and Slack instances to Hoop. Whether you juggle several professional emails, manage your personal and work calendars separately, or navigate many client Slack workspaces, this new feature gives you the flexibility to get all your tasks from all your accounts in one place.
After you connect accounts, Hoop's AI will pull out tasks for you and put them in one spot without you needing to do anything. No starring messages, or emoji reactions or anything. It just works to make sure you never miss another task.
How to sync multiple accounts:
To add an account, head up to your Settings by clicking on your avatar in the top right of Hoop. Click on "Connections" once "Settings" pops up. You'll see a plus sign to the right of "Google Account" to, well, add another Google Account. You can do the same for Slack by scrolling down.
You'll need to go through Google's authentication process to let Hoop access your email and/or calendar. After you give Hoop access, you'll see which emails are connected and can connect the associated calendars. For Slack, you'll want to make sure you connect the right workspace in the top right window of Slack's authentication process. You can add and remove multiple accounts of any platform at any time.
Here are some examples we've seen from customers:
- A busy agency owner has multiple email addresses and Slack instances across clients. She uses Hoop to consolidate so she doesn't constantly have to check all the different Slacks in case she's mentioned.
- A consultant has multiple email addresses spread across clients depending on the day of the week. He connects each account to Hoop so Hoop can capture tasks across clients on different days of the week.
- A VP of Product needs to stay on top of tasks coming in from work and personal commitments like the non-profit board she has joined. She connects her personal and work email, so Hoop can keep an eye on all of her incoming tasks.
This has been the #1 most requested feature for Hoop, and we couldn't be more excited to see what you think. Note that currently, Hoop only integrates with Google email accounts. The initial email you sign up with is required to be a work email, but you can add personal Gmail accounts as secondary.
Multiple calendar connections
If you're using Hoop's Mac app and connect multiple calendars, this allows Hoop for Mac to see your calendar and ask if you want task capture on for meetings across calendars. If you're using Hoop's meeting bot option, you can set meeting bot preferences per calendar account in the "Task Capture" menu in "Settings."
Post meeting summary emails will always go to the primary email on the account. Tasks from each account are always visible in Hoop.
Multiple Slack workspaces
Hoop will automatically capture tasks across different Slack workspaces you can manage in your "Settings" menu in "Connections." Once connected, Hoop scans all messages including channels, direct messages, and group messages for anything that a human would recognize as a task. You can also DM yourself a task and that will show up in "Incoming" in Hoop.
If you have a particularly noisy channel that you want Hoop to ignore, you can do so in the settings menu as well by finding the channel and toggling it off. You can do this per workspace, so it's totally customizable. More on managing Slack connections here.
As always we look forward to hearing your feedback! Drop us a line in the support chat at the bottom right of any screen or email us at founders@hoop.app.